Guidelines for the Evaluation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

UNEG-DCO UNSDCF Evaluation Guidelines-September 2021_rev.pdf (988 KB / English)

UNSDCF Evaluation Guidelines_Spanish-Final 2022.pdf (2148 KB / Spanish)

UNSDCF Evaluation Guidelines_FRENCH_July 2022.pdf (2006 KB / French)


The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (CF) forms the centre piece of UN reform and represents the collective response of the UN to help countries address national priorities and challenges in achieving the 2030 Agenda. It sees a shift of emphasis - from assistance to partnership - that calls for proper accountability of the system to the governments and people that it supports. Evaluation of the CF not only provides this accountability, but it also supports learning and will inform decisions to enhance the design of subsequent CF cycles. Evaluation of the CF is therefore an important instrument in making the reform work. 

The "Guidelines for the Evaluation of the United Nations Sustainable Cooperation Framework" were developed by the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) and the UN Development Coordination Office (DCO). They provide a step-by-step approach to conducting CF evaluations, providing an overview of the evaluation process; show steps to ensure a robust and effective evaluation set-up and design; detail data collection, analysis and reporting; and discuss evaluation dissemination and post-evaluation tasks. They also feature templates that can be used during the course of the evaluation

Document Details


  • UNEG Cooperation Framework Working Group and UN Development Coordination Office (DCO)


  • UNEG Guidance Documents


  • Sep 2021


  • 9143


  • Guidance UN Reform